Former projects developed at LAND: Modeling and Analysis of Wireless Access Systems to the Internet
MAPPED/CNPq Project Project Summary
Participants Anna Dolejsi Santos (UFF) Berthier A. Ribeiro Neto (UFMG) Edmundo de Souza e Silva (coordinator) (UFRJ) Rosa Maria M. Leão (UFRJ) Valmir Carneiro Barbosa (UFRJ) Sponsors CNPq
Project (September, 2000 - September, 2003) Project Summary Future networked multimedia information systems will carry a wide variety of applications including digital libraries, video, audio and image services, distance learning and collaboration, networked virtual environments, and entertainment. The main characteristics of multimedia applications that lead to difficulties in end-to-end systems design are that they have very large bandwidth and storage requirements, with vastly different performance and reliability requirements, often coupled with real-time constraints. Along with these characteristics, the highly interactive nature of a variety of multimedia applications, resulting in fairly unpredictable workloads, makes the design and evaluation of networked multimedia information systems an exceptionally challenging problem. This project will outline research on three aspects of this problem:
The participants have available four prototypes of state of the art multimedia systems: the Virtual World Data Server (VWDS) developed at UCLA; the prototype of a Video-on-Demand server developed in Brazil as part of the cooperative research project among Brazilian institutions; and the Multimedia Asynchronous Networked Individualized Courseware (MANIC) and the Internet Multimedia Proxy (IMP) both developed at UMass. These applications will be used to motivate the development of new algorithms for retrieving information and for maintaining the desired quality of service after sending the data over a wide area network. They will also form the basis of the many experimental and analytical studies that will be performed to evaluate these new algorithms. To aid in this evaluation, our group also developed three performance evaluation and modeling tools: a state-of-the-art tool for constructing performance and reliability models (Tangram-II) developed in Brazil jointly with UCLA; a symbolic model checking tool (VERUS); and a tool which facilitates design, development, and subsequent performance evaluation of designs of multimedia storage hierarchies (ViPEr-HiSS) under development at UMD. Participants Brazil Berthier Ribeiro de Araujo Neto (UFMG) Edmundo de Souza e Silva (coordinator) (UFRJ) Paulo Henrique Aguiar Rodrigues (UFRJ) Rosa Maria M. Leão (UFRJ) Sergio Vale Aguiar Campos (UFMG) USA Donald Towsley (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) Jim Kurose (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) Leana Golubchik (University of Maryland) Richard Muntz (University of California, Los Angeles) - Coordinator Sponsors CNPq - NSF
Project (January, 1997 - April, 2000) Project Summary The main goal of the ALMADEM research proposal was to combine basic research in computer networks with the development of designing tools and laboratory tests to understand many networking design issues and propose new solutions. Yet we propose to build multimedia applications to test several of our ideas. In summary, the research proposal focused on a whole cycle of technology development, from theory to prototyping. The proposal can be divided into three major sets of activities:
Main Results
Participants Edmundo de Souza e Silva (coordinator) (UFRJ) Sergio V.A. Campos (UFMG) Rosangela Coelho (PUC-RIO) Nelson Fonseca (Unicamp) Rosa M. M. Leão (UFRJ) Berthier Ribeiro Neto (UFMG) Paulo Henrique A. Rodrigues (UFRJ) José Augusto Suruagy Monteiro (UFPe) Jorge Moreira de Souza (CPqD-TELEBRAS) Sibelius Lellis Vieira (UFG) Wellington Santos Martins (UFG) Final Report (final-rep-almadem.ps) - download Sponsors CNPq
Project (1996 - 2002) Main Goals
Sponsors CNPq
Modeling and Analysis of Wireless Access Systems to the Internet (2000
- 2002) Main Goals
Participants Edmundo de Souza e Silva (UFRJ) Rosa Maria M. Leão (UFRJ) Tânia Regina Tronco Fudoli (CPqD) Sponsors CPqD - Lucent |